ONE ... this is a 23+, mutuals only, highly selective, and highly private blog for a fandomless original character. multi fandom, multi universe, multi ship (and so on). i know these rules are long, i am just trying to cover as much as i can. i promise i'm not a hardass.TWO ... do not steal anything about this muse. i have been developing them for over a decade and i don't expect anyone to pull a copycat but in the offchance someone does, you will be blocked and i will be very sad. i won't make a call out bcs i believe those should be reserved for dangerous behaviors or actual crimes being committed, but i will be very sad.THREE ... *UPDATE 8/15: please do not follow first unless we are current mutuals and you have made a new blog.if you are soft/hardblocked, please do not ask me why. i will not ask you why i am.

if you do a significant amount of vagueposting, i will hardblock. this is for my own mental health. keep that shit in your dm's with friends.FOUR ... i have severe adhd & bipolar 2, these both heavily affect how i function on a day to day basis. please do not take my lack of interaction or dips in enthusiasm personally. i love to talk ooc [general talking, plotting, screeching about random shit] but i do get overwhelmed easily. my response time can vary significantly, some days i can rapid-fire reply to messages, some days i can barely say more than a few words, it's really always just sort of up in the air.FIVE ... i fucking love plotting and talking ooc. i do prefer to talk via discord, the im system is faulty and i do not have notifications turned on for it on mobile.
I will be prioritizing plotted dynamics over everything else. I go where my muse goes. if there isn't at least a vibe to go off of, it will take me longer to get to.
SIX ... send all the memes you want just know that it can take me anywhere from a few hours to months to respond to them. i hoard them.SEVEN ... there are certain plots i will not do. anything involving cheating, purely high school based things, or anything in my dni.EIGHT ...i'm super chill with pre-est. connections ! just shoot me a message about an idea and i'm probably gonna jump on it.NINE ... minor godmodding is acceptable but please do not go overboard unless we have spoken about it. I understand op muses, gen is one i get it i do, and i get needing to move things along quickly, etc. but just?? don't be obnoxious about it?? feel free to message me if you have a question about it! there's a high chance i will actually say yes go ahead.TEN ... gen is an extremely powerful being and in general i don't plan on holding her back within reason, but i will not do anything with it unless discussed beforehand. Also, unless it has been plotted / we have talked,your character will not know what they are. In their main verse, Gen does not know what they actually are either, and them finding out is a key plot point, so just... don't assume pls.ELEVEN ... i fucking love ships. love them. live them. laugh them. if there's a base for any sort of dynamic just know i'll be trash for it. shipping for me isn't exclusive to romantic relationships! any and all are loved and appreciated. i will not write any romantic ships with muses under 21. pls do not force a ship though that's all i ask. there will be spicy / suggestive / nsfw content but only with talking/plotting beforehand. i have to have a level of comfort with whoever i'm writing with in general but especially when it's spicy / nsfw. it will be infrequent that it occurs but it will appear. i highly prefer to write smut via discord.THIRTEEN ... if i do anything that causes you discomfort or is questionable, please let me know off of anon. please do not try to involve me with any callouts unless the person being called out is doing something genuinely fucked up.

FOURTEEN ...triggers:: my personal triggers are spiders (please tag all references to them as well as pictures. i have pretty much all variations of the tag blocked. if you do not tag them i will unfollow), trypophobia, general insects (moths are cool tho), teeth horror, eye horror/trauma, excessively gratuitous & graphic gore, graphic depictions of infections.triggers that can and will appear on this blog, it's an extensive list and not everything listed will be heavily featured. I just want to cover all bases so people can curate their rp experience & keep their mental well being safe::death, general violence, explicit language, drug use, guns, blood, knives, near death experiences, murder, body horror, unreality, parental codependency, trauma, grooming (will only be discussed in backstory and metas or brief mentions, not romanticized / explicit), addiction, gore, brief mentions of homophobia [in history section] memory loss, mental health [mentions of: suicide, self harm, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, depression, panic disorders, trauma, addiction] (will never be explicit / romanticized / glorified / stereotyped) , blasphemy, psychological horror, parental and emotional abandonment, cults, religious trauma, drug abuse, toxic / obsessive relationships, drowning, child abuse/ neglect / endangerment / attempted murder of a child , [mentions of it in bio and metas. will never be in detail.].
i use a "trigger tw //" or "trigger cw //" style tagging system. i try to tag anything i think might need to be tagged. if you have anything specific that you want me to tag, just let me know!note :: there are certain things in Gen's story that i have major personal experience with. there are things that i do not. i'm doing my best to educate myself on what i do not. if i get anything wrong, feel free to let me know just don't be a dick about it.
FIFTEEN ... dni if you are transphobic, biphobic, lesbophobic, homophobic, enbyphobic, aphobic, racist, xenophobic, zionist, antisemetic, islamophobic, ableist, sexist –– honestly if you are a bigot of any kind i do not want to associate with you and will laugh at you.
if you write and/or have incest based ships [selfcest & stepcest included] , sexualize minors, underage smut, 'dubcon', rape, gratuitous + overly graphic torture [i do believe there is a line that can be crossed but that's a personal thing] , racist shit, animal abuse, basically any of the what the fuck shit pls don't follow.real people / historical figures blogs pls do not follow. i just don’t vibe.fandoms dni : game of thrones media (unless on a multi), harry potter (jkr can go die honestly. stop making excuses for writing these muses, you can say anti-jkr as much as you want, you are still actively engaging in her work. just make them an original character and change their last name if you HAVE to write them.), glee (unless on a multi), 13 reasons why, skins uk & us, euphoria, twilight (friends exempt), stranger things (friends exempt).face claims dni:
johnny depp, ezra miller, taylor swift, jonathan majors, jared leto, lea michele, jared padalecki (unless a sam winchester blog), tenoch huerta, robert downey jr, scarlett johansson, mark pellegrino [i am hesitant to follow lucifers using him], norman reedus, hayden pannetiere, zoey deutch, gal gadot.
if you primarily use resources of an actor/actress in a role where they are portraying a minor, i am cautious to follow. i do not care if your character is not a minor and if the actor/actress is considerably older, it makes me deeply uncomfortable and i don't wish to see it.white washed or "cisswapped" characters are also not welcome here. don't care if it's an alternate universe or in the multiverse.specific characters dni:
tony stark [unless on a multi OR we're friends], tate langdon, billy hargrove, non human [animals specifically] characters.
dni if you write with: mox / bowie / whatever they're going by now and/or ares / jay / snowi will not follow if you are listed on a mutuals dni.SIXTEEN ... my writing style & formatting style varies. anything from one liners to multiple paragraphs. i prefer to write at least a paragraph for threads. memes will usually get mostly dialogue responses. you do not have to match my length but i do ask that you do not respond to a paragraph with a single line. I WRITE A LOT OF DIALOGUE, it is heavily tied to gen's personality / character.tense preferences: I write in both third and sometimes second person present/past tense.SEVENTEEN ... formatting wise, i use normal sized & small text + bold + italics + quotations. i cannot use a comma correctly for the life of me so if you notice that pls mind your business ok thx. i love a good emdash as well. sometimes i get a lil fancy with the formatting, you don't need to match that either. i probably won't match your formatting if it's super intricate bcs that takes way too much of my brain power.

MUN ...  hi it's kaie! i've been writing gen as an oc since 2011, she started as an ask blog for the meta version of genevieve padalecki from that one spn episode. i share this because i have embraced my cringe. i have been rping in general since about 2004. i've had many previous urls and aliases [if you think you recognize me you're probs correct]. i've got super dee duper severe adhd and i don't know how to do about me's.

carrd template: galacticresources
graphics: mine
lore & character: mine
sharpening action: britt (saralans)


FULL NAME ...genevieve june o'hara
NICKNAME ... gen, genbug, junebug, genbear, genny, o'hara, vivi, shrimp
DATE OF BIRTH ... january 9th
PLACE OF BIRTH ... ??? [savannah, GA]
ZODIAC ... capricorn
CURRENT LOCATION ... ??? [verse dependent]
GENDER ... demi-girl
PRONOUNS ... she/they
SPECIES ... half cosmic entity, half human. she's the physical manifestation of The Veil. it's complicated.
OCCUPATION ... journalist, soul guide, the veil between life and death, verse dependent

FACECLAIM ... florence pugh, olivia holt (younger)
HAIR ... blonde, long and curly.
EYES ... green - occasionally have an ember colored glow to them, sort of like a distant candle flickering, can also manifest as a silverish flash.
HEIGHT ... 4'11" 1/2 • 151.13 cm
ORIENTATION ... bisexual, biromantic
MEDICAL ... allergic to apples
FEATURES ... covered in freckles, height,
SCARS ... multiple scattered around legs and arms, one shaped like florida on her thigh, two faded slash marks on her ribs.
MENTAL HEALTH ... adhd, c-ptsd, night terrors, bulimia nervosa (10 years recovered), body dysmorphia, chronic insomnia
general anxiety disorder, rejection sensitivity dysphoria
history of self harm, suicide attempts, depressionPHYSICAL HEALTH ... tbd

FATHER ... antony glendale-ohara & aaron glendale-ohara
MOTHER ... deanna sloper [estranged & deceased]
SIBLINGS ... n/a
COUSINS ... estranged
SPOUSE ... verse dependent
CHILDREN ... verse dependent
EXTENDED FAMILY ... verse dependent
PETS ... liberty belle - chihuahua, verse dependent
IMPORTANT PEOPLE ... verse dependent

positive traits: determined, empathetic, passionate, kind hearted, creative, humorous, loyal, protective, quick witted, gentle, warm, endearing, excitable, adventurous, dreamy, generous, loving, supportive, strong willed, intelligent, honest, ambitious, skilled, flexible, appreciativenegative traits: loud, stubborn, emotionally dysregulated, impulsive, spiteful, sarcastic, argumentative, self destructive, rebellious, impatient, distrusting, hard headed, vindictive, disorganized, compulsive, addictive, sassy, confrontational, scatterbrained, mercurial, flight risk, petty, hot headed, reckless,likes: the moon, the stars, cool breezes, black coffee, worn and faded quilts, honey bees, bonfires, sweet tea, postcards, tire swings, climbable trees, slow dancing, spiced peaches, late nights, owls, ice cream on cones, weed, sour gummy worms, dogs, the laughter of children, hand holding, spirits finding peace, warm homemade bread, heat lightning on summer nights, graveyards, the sounds of summer, soft hoodies just slightly too big, denim jackets, casette tapes, tattoos, sunflowers, photo albums, chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven, blanket fortsdislikes: Death, the cold, large bodies of water, the way river water feels, mornings, alcohol, spiders, snakes, giving up hope, hot tea, saltine crackers, taking life too seriously, sand, betrayal, alarm clocks, beetles, seeing spirits get stuck / lost, losing control, their mother, nightmares, white picket fences, too perfect lawns, railroad tracks, feeling lost, not being able to save anyone, forgetting who they are, heavy perfumes, LED headlights, crowded rooms, sudden change, churches, bigots, liars, hypocrites, the energy of evil spirits, porcelain dolls, total darkness, feeling trapped, swamps,enneagram: The Adventurer - 7personality type: ENFP-Ttemperament: cholericmannerisms: toying with hair, chewing on bottom lip / inside of cheek, rubbing eyes when stressed, uses hand gestures while talking, brushes hair behind ear, picking at cuticles, looks up while in thought, bounces leg while sitting, pinches bridge of nose when stressed, cries easily when experiencing intense emotions, shakes head when trying to refocus on things, easily blushesFavorite sayings: "bit of a pickle", "bless your heart", "fixin' to", "like totally", "take a chill pill", "what in the ever loving fuck", "just a smidge/smidgen"Interests and hobbies: dancing, reading, music, collecting odds and ends and trinkets, video games, sewing, climbing trees, watching shitty romcoms, exploring anything they can access, journalism

genres:: the southern gothic genre, supernatural horror, psychological horror, americana gothic, suburban gothicmusic:: lord huron, hozier, lera lynn, delta rae, alison krauss, bishop briggs, amber run, Anaïs Mitchell, the chicks, bluegrass instrumentals, florence + the machine, brown bird, the brothers bright, angelo badalamenti, bear mccrearymedia:: medium, o brother where art thou , hadestown, supernatural, dead like me, eurydice, gilmore girls, heroes, stranger things, true detective, twin peaks, x files + moreliterature:: assorted poetry, orpheus myth [w/ a focus on eurydice] + more

characters:: eurydice, sam winchester, persephone, claire bennet, laura palmer, psyche, tessa, rory gilmore, nancy wheeler, jo harvelle, the fates, max mayfield, thalia grace, [...]

aesthetics: soft grunge, stonercore, y'allternative, faecore, wood nymphs, earth tones, country gothic, white nightgowns in candlelight, thunderstorms in the dark, abandoned houses, mason jars of sun tea, whispers from dark corners, wailing wind, broken window glass scattered on wood floors, dusty attics, the feeling of being watched by something unseen, hazy rooms with sun filtering through blinds, candles flickering, figures vanishing at crossroads, baskets on the fronts of bikes that hold flowers, old portable cd players with cheap headphones plugged in, faded polaroids, rust coated cars, screaming coming from off in the distance at 1 AM, rotting door frames, creaking porch swings, a constant hum of electricity, scream singing in your room to music blasting at full volume, chipped nail polish, running barefoot in the back yard, phantom touches on the back of necks, goosebumps on arms, sudden turns and gasps of fright, glowing eyes that get bigger the further you get, owls screeching overhead, hushed conversations in empty rooms, banana flavored rolling papers, a faceless wanderer on the banks of a river, ripped and faded denim shorts, sun kissed cheeks, blood stains on worn wallpaper, snaps of branches in the woods,scents: sweet patchouli, pine tree sap, black peppercorn, burning wood, peach nectar, warm honey, magnolia blossoms, summer night air, cloves, burnt sugar, something nostalgic you can't quite name but is just on the tip of your tongue, freshly cut strawberries, vanilla,speech patterns: talks incredibly fast & at length, stumbles over words frequently, accent gets thicker when experiencing any high emotion, uses filler words [ "like" and "uhm" predominantly ], extensive vocabulary use at on repeat: oh no !! - grandsontropes: living cause you're already dead, died and came back wrong, our souls are different, veil manifested, mommy issues™, cosmic power in a small package, kill your gods, the fatigue of being alive, near death experiences, the monster in your house is tucking you in at night, the rebel, wild child,alignment: chaotic goodcolor associations: peach, honey, hunter green, ochre, carmine, sable,food associations: peach cobbler, chocolate chip cookies, chicken noodle soup, strawberry shortcake, apple pie, lemon bars, angel hair pastafavorite season(s): mid summer, late fallmost likely to: survive a shitty horror moviearchetypes: eurydice complex, the caretaker, the perpetual traveler, the southern spitfire, the troubled teenager, the Anthropomorphic Personification, the ferryman, the seeker, the rebel, the flight risk, the dreamer, the adventurer, doomed by the narrativebirthstone: garnetathletics: ran track from freshman to senior year in high school, multiple forms of dance throughout teenage years and twenties. has competed in multiple forms of gun shooting sports since age 12. has taken archery lessons since age 14 and frequently goes to a nearby practice range. self defense courses from age 16 until present.

Soul Energy Manipulation/Absorption/consumption, Soul Soothing/manipulation/Reading/Transport/Guardian/Conversion, Medium, Death Connection, Reincarnation, Afterlife Border ( strictly tied to the Soul Guardian thing, they can exist in the veil between life and death/are the actual veil td;lr), Astral Manipulation [ only in specific timelines and verses], time travel [only through memories / when resets occur], semi-invulnerability [can be hurt/wounded by normal means but it will not kill them. they can be "killed" by anything more powerful than them, but can come back. also can be discussed for plotting purposes], enhanced strength [if used too heavily, will result in them having an extended recovery time].
WEAPON KNOWLEDGE: Skilled in Riflery, archery, crossbows, and knife usageCOMBAT SKILLS: knows a few forms of self defense, but other than that she relies more on her powers than anything else.

Gen is half human / half cosmic entity. they do not know what they truly are unless this has been plotted or if it's beyond a certain point in their story. They do know they have powers from an early age, it isn't until they first meet with death in each reset that they learn what it is they can do. they are an extremely powered being however there are massive and drastic consequences to overuse of their powers. overuse leads to exhaustion, which then leads to them requiring more power, which leads to the potential of consuming corrupt energies etc. etc. etc.they can go into an actual in between that exists. they doesn't physically go into it, it's a mental thing, and they do go in it if they want to get away from things. their head gets loud, constant beats of memories of their other timelines popping up, a tempo of various emotions around her, the booming base of energy in the room. If it’s too loud, they find some sort of excuse to go somewhere they can be alone, close their eyes, and suddenly everything is quiet. Not silent, more white noise with a soft hum.The main purpose of this place is to hold the souls of those who have recently passed, though there are some that still haven’t let go. they can see the faces and know how the spirit died, but unless they interact with gen, they doesn't know anything else. Most of what they do is give them the push that they need to let go, a soft little push for most, and a hand to hold.gen, if she is severely provoked and/or has worked on controlling their powers, can cause phenomena that is associated with spirits/ghosts – she can drop the temp in a room to an alarming degree, she can cause electricity/energy spikes, & throw/break things without touching them [ she is working on her control over this].she is also able to generate energy from spirits, both positive and negative energies can be used. Positive energy manifests as a green light, negative as a dim yellow. depending on how much energy is being used, it takes the form of tiny static crackles / a ball of staticy light / a full strike.ok so, about the soul reading thing – gen reads souls in the following ways:
they have a frequency that, depending on the soul, will vary in volume and pitch. the actual sound that is made is a mix of tv static, dial-up tone, heavy bass, and a record skipping.
They can also cause the density of a room to fluctuate.
If someone used to have a soul but lost it somehow, there would still be echoes of what it once sounded like. Very faint, very muffled, but still there. It's not so much the soul itself that they hear but how its energy manifests. the weight it has is heavier than someone with a soul, but slightly less than someone completely soulless from the start.if someone is soulless from the start, there's a distinct lack of sound accompanied by an extreme heaviness in the air, like someone cranked gravity up to 11.for divine beings / gods / celestial beings / etc. :: it's more like gravity is at full blast. the sound they give off is severe and incredibly harsh, like every setting was turned to full volume and put through a reverb amplifier.they don’t try to read into them out of respect for privacy, but talk to them a little while and they’ll bring it up. Doesn’t go into details but they’ll also mention that they can soothe a soul as well.gen can manipulate souls in a few different ways. They primarily soothe them, like they don’t like doing much more than that, but they can [and have] caused negative effects in various forms of severity. They don’t like doing it it’s a zero outta ten experience and vibe.
NOTE: I WILL ASK IF IT IS OKAY TO INCLUDE THIS IN A THREAD/PLOT/ETC. Gen is a highly powered being, please understand this. they do have severe and detrimental downsides to their powers, but they are what could be considered op.
they cannot die unless "death" decides they should be put through a reset. they can be injured to various degrees but they will heal from them. the time it takes to heal varies and can take a few minutes to a few days, it really just depends on various circumstances.

important metas:


*writer exclusives.

aka Super Duper Cool Party people

chantelle ... all current & future blogs . .. exclusive
lauren ... all current & future blogs . .. exclusive
phoebe... all current & future blogs . .. exclusive
georgie ... all current & future blogs... exclusive
heathyn ... all current & future blogs... exclusive
kiki ... all current & future blogs... exclusive
aurora ...all current & future blogs... exclusive
winter ... all current & future blogs... exclusive
riot ... all current & future blogs... exclusive
merida ... all current & future blogs... exclusive
mak ... all current & future blogs... exclusive
annie ... all current & future blogs... exclusive

*character & fc exclusives.

super cool portrayals i fuck with

ruinedmyself... sam winchester... by kas
saralans... sara lance... by britt
llosgcariad... jax teller. .. by thoth
tsarnvoiny... anya barnes. mary elizabeth winstead .. by jj
allevils... lucy milton. .. by morgue
giallifilm... multi muse. .. by morgue


walkedfire... evan buckley... by chantelle


*main verse.

STATUS ... open
FC ... florence pugh
THE STORY ... default jumping off point for most interactions.

*alt. lore verse.

aka: the multiverse of gen and buck

STATUS ... more or less closed
AFFILIATION ...walkedfire
FC ... florence pugh
SUB VERSES ... mythos, pirate, spy, western, dragon riders, apocalypse, pacific rim, enchanted, treasure hunter, sports reporter, vampire podcaster, ice skater, superhero, werewolf, 9-1-1, spy in a different font, quirky procedural, the one with the good ending, ghost but buck is the ghost, demigod, space vibes, and ones to be discovered
THE STORY ... the backstory is a different font, Death isn't here but Zeus is, timelines and doors and fate and time and buck wont stop dying. it's pain it's fluff it's adventure its domestics.

*911 verse.

STATUS ... open
AFFILIATION ... walkedfire
FC ... florence pugh
THE STORY ... moves to LA early 2019, applies to work at the Dispatch Center, starts training the day of the tsunami. despite the chaos, or possibly because of it, they stick around and get through the probationary year in 2020.
her soothing powers manifest in a subtle way over the phone, it can't save the person on the other end, but it can help. she's simply the metaphorical hand to hold when it's most needed, the one she never had.frequently calls in favors from people she meets outside of work to help the 118 out of the batshit situations they get into. even if it's rule bendy.---
alternate version: still moves to LA in early 2019, however rather than going to work for Dispatch, she works as a journalist for LA Weekly.

*Superhero verse.

STATUS ... by request
AFFILIATION ... walkedfire
FC ... florence pugh
LINKS ... verse tag, powers ,
THE STORY ... goes by Atropa, has the ability to manipulate darkness / heal (it has been corrupted and now manifests as death touch) / powers seem tied to the moon. works for a shady government company out of necessity. is trying to leave. wants to help people, be a hero, do something good. in her "normal" life, she's a journalist and has a knack for interviewing supers.

*demigod verse.

STATUS ...under construction
FC ... olivia holt, florence pugh
THE STORY ... daughter of hades, ran away from home at 8 years old, has a hellhound companion.


STATUS ... by request
AFFILIATION ... walkedfire
FC ... florence pugh
THE STORY ... NEW EPISODE OUT NOW! join host Genevieve Ohara as she follows the unlives and misadventures of the 118, LA'S hottest vampire firefighters. WWDITF is for mature audiences only
check out our beacons link for our socials, behind the scenes content, and merch store!want to support us and have your name in the show? join our patreon!Thank you to our top supporters, we literally couldn't do this without you:
"What We Do In The Fires" is a fictional documentary style audio drama, brought to you by Unveil Studios. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

*supernatural verse.

STATUS ... by request
FEATURING ... ruinedmyself, edensrib
FC ... florence pugh
THE STORY ... hunter helper


STATUS ... open for plotting
FEATURING ...k4rlsson, ferociium, getslashed, kostenkos, americanedpsycho, m4ssacres, exmortiis, mysticcult
FC ... florence pugh
THE STORY ... technically assigned survivor. also has a killer verse

*celebrity verse.

STATUS ... by request
FC ... florence pugh
THE STORY ... television actress, has spent the last ten years on the paranormal drama show Psychopomp. popular with the 16-28 age demographic and has a significant online fanbase, it is about to enter it's 11th season. there are rumors that this will be it's final season, but this has been said about the last five seasons.

*musician verse.

STATUS ... under construction
FC ... florence pugh
voice claim :: lainey wilson, maren morris
inspirations :: delta rae, brown bird, grace potter & the nocturnals, the civil wars, honeyhoney, kate mann, timber timbre, lord huron, holly golightly & the brokeoffs, odetta hartman, gillian welch, laura marling,


STATUS ... closed-ish
AFFILIATION ... calithal , enchaentd
FC ... olivia holt (younger), florence pugh (main)
THE STORY ... they're a siren and the child of some low level nobility


STATUS ... by request
AFFILIATION ... fallbefore
FC ... fc here
THE STORY ... under development


STATUS ... by request
FC ... fc here
THE STORY ... blurb here

*private verses



verses i have a need for but haven't figured out info for



*under construction

Gen is not 100% human. They are half human half primordial cosmic entity. That said, they don't actually know this, she rarely remembers details of her past incarnations aside from her powers (eventually, she does remember that she will come back again), and the Death she knows is not the only form that Death takes. He isn't even actually death, but nobody actually knows this aside from him.

gen can manipulate souls in a few different ways. They primarily soothe them, like they don’t like doing much more than that, but they can [and have] caused negative effects in various forms of severity. They don’t like doing it it’s a zero outta ten experience and vibe.

ok so, about the soul reading thing – gen reads souls in the following ways:
they have a frequency that, depending on the soul, will vary in volume and pitch. the actual sound that is made is a mix of different droning tones / sirens / static. it can range from pleasant to extremely painful.They can also cause the density of a room to fluctuate, if that makes sense.if gen gets close to a person they will, eventually, bring up being able to soothe souls.

gen, if she is provoked and/or has worked on controlling their powers, can cause phenomena that is associated with spirits/ghosts – she can drop the temp in a room to an alarming degree, she can cause electricity/energy spikes, & throw/break things without touching them. with practice, these abilities do become stronger and more precise.
she is also able to generate energy from spirits, both postive and negative energies can be used. Positive energy manifests as a green light, negative as a dim yellow. depending on how much energy is being used, it takes the form of tiny static crackles / a ball of staticy light / a full strike. It can also manifest as black smoke [sometimes a black tar substance] but that's only if the energy is itself corrupted beyond reason.they can and will go into a physical location for the “veil”/ where the souls are , both intentionally and unintentionally.

in every life, when gen is about 7, they have a near death experience. they will have another major event at age 11, 15, 19... every four years. it is not always the same in cause but it usually involves being bit by a snake or drowning.

this is the trigger for them remembering/understanding what it is they do as well as their first visit from death. it is unavoidable and will always happen , even if delayed somehow.

They will be able to use their powers prior to remembering what they are. they manifest stronger at that point than they do post remembering.resets are not timeline locked. they can reset and come back at any time, past present or future, and any location.

in times of war/significant death/etc. they just auto pilot and primarily act as “veil/light” than their human manifestation. They do this voluntarily.

they're not completely invulnerable but it takes something powerful itself [something more powerful than they are / something with equal power] to cause severe damage.
they heal in a very physical manner and the time it takes for them to heal varies. it never takes longer than four days.Resets can be triggered by that, along with them remembering too much, over consuming corrupt energy, and/or engaging with darker energy in excess before they have a better sense of control over it. it's really up to "death's" discretion.They cannot die by their own hand or self trigger a reset.if something intervenes and delays a reset from happening [which can happen], it triggers their memories earlier but also makes it harder for them to reach their next reset. it also makes it harder for them to control their abilities, fucking with the timeline just has weird side effects, everything gets amplified in some way.

in certain extreme emotional states, their form can visibly flicker & their movements are blurred. they can appear slightly transparent and are severely cold to the touch. their eyes will also, at times, have a faint white cast to them.

if you look them in the eyes for too long you might notice a tiny, barely there soft glow, like imagine a diffused street lamp in the distance ––– but it's so small you'll swear you imagined it.

they can consume spirit/life energy but it's extremely rare for them to do this. it has catastrophic side effects if done too frequently. it will eat at their humanity and strip them of their sense of self. it makes them more powerful but it comes with a detrimental cost. They have done it at least once in every life, the day after their 18th birthday, and once this occurs they have occasional urges to consume more.
gen has weird blood like it's not human . so if a monster / creature or whatever y'know, decides to nibble or have a taste it's roughly equivalent to medical grade sativa or in some cases can be akin to lsd. do with this what you will.gen doesn't fully show up in photos like they do, it's not like a 'they don't show up at all / have no reflection' thing, but there's always a soft blur or there's a bunch of orbs hanging around and some sort of lens flare around their face.they can get sick, infrequently, and rarely ever lasts very long.

their technical first death was at age 15 after running from home.
constants in every life: TBA


*under construction

tw :: death, child abuse, manipulation,

  you are found after vanishing into the woods nobody ever returns from four months prior.

you remember running. you remember falling. you remember dying. you don't remember rising.

  you can't remember how you got back. if you ever left. if you even exist.


GEN'S relationship WITH DEATH? FUCKED. highly deeply entirely fucked. death is the reason they end up resetting and can't move on. he gets a little bit silly a little bit obsessive, very posessive even. Gen wants to get out of the deal they made to stay safe from the world when their first love left them after running from their mother [because she got very silly, so very horribly goofy, and tried to kill them multiple times throughout their childhood up until age 17] and y’know … death was kind! he was so kind! Gen could stay in the in between with him, of course they could, they just had to be a light in the dark for other lost souls like them! Just until the guy came back, of course only until then.OF COURSE, since this is a tragedy after all, one big epic sad song, the guy never came back. gen eventually forgot ––– half because death made it so they didn’t have to remember, took away all that pain for them, but also half because it's been so long since the beginning of the story. They’ve been stuck in this half state for what seems like eternity and now they want to either fuckin' die [ they're TIRED SO TIRED ] or just live one last time ––– but Death just won’t let them. Would rather wipe their slate again, take their memories again, make them go through it all again and again than actually give them what they want.Sometimes it’s because he’s mad at them, other times it’s because he simply can’t let them go, not yet, he never has a solid reason why just so many “not yet”s. Gen starts getting even more reckless once they realize that no matter what they do or how many times they beg to leave, he’ll keep telling them no, and they figure “why not have some fun with it”.death starts making resets happen even if it's barely even time for one simply because he can.Gen responds with doubling down on their horrible behaviors and their rebellion. It’s a constant game of who can be worse than the other, who can outlast the other, who will come out on top is the biggest unknown of all.Gen figures out from a friend of a friend that there is a way to get out. They have to kill death and take over not just the veil but the entirety of his dead world. Snatch the crown off of his head and steal the throne. Kill the snake that bit them and chop its head off, if you will. They can get help with it, but they have to land the final blow. Even then, they will never be able to truly leave, they’ll always have to be half in half out of the land of the living but at least they’ll be free and freedom to gen is about the same as living.Plus, they're okay with that if it means they can be that friend that they needed when they were dying and scared of what was coming next. It's what they already do, but, this way, they can make sure it always stays that way.They write down what they learn in as many notebooks as they can and then they hide them all over the veil, all over time and space and reality, in the hopes of finding one again some day in another life ––– whether it be because they failed or they just didn’t even try, they have to leave themself a clue for what to do next.because human half of gen -will not remember anything- until they almost die their first death [sometime between the ages of 7 and 16] and have their first big reunion with death. He’s always with them, hand on their shoulder, guiding them and watching over them ––– making sure they don’t uncover anything they shouldn’t be remembering too soon in their storyline.however, they start remembering more each reset once they start digging. their nonhuman half is just literally the veil and that half has to just watch the story play out. their human manifestation and the veil are incredibly linked, they're so tied to their own myth that they're losing themself to it. that's why they can't die, the story keeps getting told so they have to keep going through it. they haven't finished it so it has to keep going.

sometimes you feel like you're still trapped. sometimes you feel too free. nothing ever feels real.

Death presents an update, a fun thing that he had locked away deep in their memories, it’s come out on its own from time to time but the last time it happened they almost killed him. But he’s feeling so kind and generous, y’know, and thinks that it might be time they remember just how horrid they can be and have been. Reminds them just how far they can fall if they don’t listen to the rules. Sure they might have the power to soothe through touch, to do so much good through it, but there’s always another side of the coin with these things.Their touch can corrupt just as much as it can save ––– and they’ve done it more times than they know. He’s had to clean up so many of their messes, starting with their mother ––– death makes it so they remember every detail of what it’s like to eat her soul once she dies. How they'll leave her in a deep corner of the veil to rot away into nothing, as if she never existed. aka , their chaos era.When they let the dark eat their own light because they're furious and they're pissed and they embrace a deeply buried wrath and they remember too much shit and it hurts so badly ––– they'll stop caring about anything and everything. they'll devour as much dark energy as they can, not all at once, over time. let it rot them from the inside, snuff their light out.when they’re in chaos state, they barely feel a thing, they’re fearless, they’re unstoppable, they can fight gods[not well, but, they’ve been able to go toe to toe with death himself with very close calls. he's terrified of them in this state, which is why he doesn't encourage it. they've gone up against a few other lesser gods, but, they can’t be allowed to remember that just yet]––– so they go ahead and eat dark energy and self corrupt and they're gonna try and trigger a reset themself.Once they remember the chaos, they also remember it's the only way they can get control and trigger a reset on their's how their powers get even stronger. more precise. deadlier.It’s not the best course of action, but, it’s all they’ve got right now.In their human life, Death keeps making them manifest into the same old story, the same horrible story that he saved them from, just so he can keep doing it. Keep them under his thumb. Throwing them into different decades, centuries, millenia, all at random. Some feel like completely new worlds.But the cracks are starting to form in reality and they keep figuring out things earlier and in more vivid detail, start figuring out their powers earlier than they should, start getting stronger than they should be getting ––– and not even Gen can tell him how or why. Something changed along the way, in one of the countless lifetimes, but what that something is is one of those top ten unsolved mysteries. They’re going to figure it out, and when they do, they’re not going to stop looking for more answers. More ways to kill their own god and live to the end of their myth.They’re going to change their story, even if they have to die a thousand more times trying. even if they have to tear the universe apart ––– they'll make Death know what it feels like to die, sit on his throne, watch him suffer.They have to, and not just for the sake of their sanity. The universe has more up its sleeve than just screwing with them, as the story always seems to go.something bad is on the rise, there's trouble on the way, and whatever it is it's bound to take more than just a few lives.the spirits, old and new alike, are getting restless.They'll be ready, though, they have to be. No matter what it takes, even if they're scared shitless and don't know if they even can ––– the story can't remain the same.Fuck death, fuck fate, and fuck the ending.There's one final twist waiting, however. one that has all the answers, one that everything until now has been building to. the epic fucking finale of cosmic proportions.